Stop leaving your SLR at home, or worrying that if you try to shoot in Manual you’ll “mess up your photos”. Inconsistent shooting is a real struggle, but this course will teach you everything you need to know to immediately be able to shoot in manual in all settings!
It’s easy to look at a photo like the one below and to be on the other side of the screen thinking “I’ll never be invited to something like that” or “how did they even put this together” and so Lauren and I tag teamed writing out a plan to help you decide if planning a weekend away is right for you, and how to go about doing it!
I could have flown in and out of Miami today and done the shoot in the middle, but, I’ve honestly been craving a night away just to hang…. with myself haha! As funny as that sounds, my introverted self truly loves alone time and it is hard to find these days. So, I snagged a flight, a downtown hotel on Hotwire for less than $100, turned off instagram, and had a 20 hour work/play date.
By myself. Cool kid status aka loner in the lunch room don’t care.
WHAT THE 5 YEARS BATMAN?! I just can’t believe it, yet he’s been here for just about as long as I can remember, and every year I just grow more and more grateful.
Needless to say, this was a special #lfpcelebratinglove year because 5 years feels special! We’ve shared our story over the past few years as we’ve done this giveaway and continue to be blown away by the #storieslovewrites that you share with us in return. It’s just amazing, really, where love takes us and there always is surprise, heartache, determination, and adventure mixed in!
The La Brisa Aspiring Photography Workshop was started by Chris Hsieh and I have been a member for 6-7 years. Chris has been building community and offering educational opportunities since long before it was trendy in the industry and I respect him so much for that! Also, he was our wedding photographer so I’m a bit biased 🙂
As part of the education within the group, Chris has been asking different photographers to host 30 minute “ask me anything” sessions on Facebook Live. Group members can ask questions ahead of time, or, ask while the live streaming is happening! Facebook live is only allowed from tablets/phones, so, the video quality is not amazing, but I thought some of you might want to listen to some of what we chatted about today!
Hi friends! Thanks for tuning in to my semi-awkward “what’s next” announcement video! I’ve been so excited to share this news with you and am ready to celebrate! So grateful for your support, encouragement and excitement! Jenny the Hound is too…. you’ll clearly see her enthusiasm in the video 😉
for small business, life & photography tips, foodie adventures & portrait specials! we'll chat twice a month-- wine and dessert recommended! xo, L